Monday, 7 June 2010

Is It Normal We Are The Only Uni With 2 Months Off For Christmas?

The title says it all!

It seems like a great novelty when you are at Uni.
But when your only exam is on the 8th of December and you are not due back at Uni until February the 15th it can get boooring!

If you have no money.
But for some unknown reason I seemed to have money all through the holidays!
And guess what it went on? 3 of my favourite things!!

Nights Out,


Aaaand pictures were taken at all times because I got my new camera for Christmaaaas ... clearly. ^_^

Odm, I look so young there and it was only 6 months ago =P

For example... ;)

Nothing wrong with documenting cheeky shots of Raspberry Sambuca with Catriona ;) Until we discovered that it gives you the hangover from hell... about a month after having 5 shots of it every Sunday! Haha! Took us long enough!

Thats what Cav does to you- all drinks £1.50 and you just drink anything and everything xD

Unlike Whynot. That club is ridiculous! Small, £7.50 to get in on a Saturday and £3 for shots. It was good maybe the first time! But 4 times in it's like guys, let's face it! The hype is for nothing, it's too dear to get drunk, too crowded to dance- this place is shit!

Haha! Stupid George Street :( But I must say they were some pretty awesome times!

Waaaasted times! Which pretty much sums up the Christmas hols right there ;) Notice how there is nooo mention of getting a job- uh oh.

Time Flies...!

Well as of now I have finished first year Uni at Stirling Univeristy, studying towards a degree in BSc Psychology! Unfortunately they also make you take the most pointless modules ever to fill up your timetable, not ideal!

So yeah, first semster! Wow, seems like aaages ago! Spent most of it getting used to the change. However, chatting to new people is not my strong point! But luckily I knew Catriona, Aimee and Amanda from school and they were only 3 floors up so there were maaany good times had! I remember going to the union, a LOT. Looking back I can't imagine why!

But it was good fun! ^_^ I didn't have my fab camera then so pictures are limited!! Bad times. The semster ended with me passing prettyyy well in all my subjects! 2B overall for Psychology, 2B for Blue Planet (Aquatic Science sounds more brainy ;]) and a 2C for Linguistics! Basically B's in everything. ^_^

Yeah, it wasn't too exciting by the sounds of it. But I had an amazzzzing time. There were many eventful nights! Most of which I can't remember or shouldn't really write on here.. ;)

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Keeping a Blog, Take 2?

I'm back!

...and let's face it!
If I can't write an essay in under 3 days, then there is no hope in me being able to keep a daily blog! But I thought I would make another one anyway and just write about some events, not the boring stuff ;)